Tulia’s SP4K program
Food insecurity is a sad reality for too many of our students. When kids go hungry over the weekend, they can’t learn on Monday mornings. And that has a substantial impact on their education and their personal development.
Tulia SP4K is making a difference. We provide these hungry kids with access to brand new, brand-name food so they can learn and succeed. Our principals, counselors, teachers, cafeteria employees, and school nurses have seen the impact the weekend snacks are having on our students.
Our program serves Highland Elementary, Swinburn Elementary, and Tulia Junior High. We send home anywhere from 90-115 packs each Friday afternoon during the school year.
We love student, civic and social groups who choose to volunteer time or money to SP4K. We also appreciate when memorial donations are made in remembrance of loved ones who pass away.
We prepare bags on the first Monday of each month. Contact Miranda Eastwood at 806.292.0870 if you or your group would like to volunteer.